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Can You Make Money on YouTube With Video?

Having lots of buying customers is the aim of most business owners. You want to attract a steady stream of buyers to your product or service. Plain text sales pages are no longer effective. Many people are now moving into video marketing and asking the question can you make money on YouTube?

To make money with video marketing, those plain old text sales pages can now be brought into the modern age and turned into online video.

When I come across a long text sales page I rarely read the whole way through. I tend to read snippets and then scroll to the bottom to look at the price. Otherwise some of these pages tend to go on and on and just do not engage the reader enough. This is old style marketing and if you really want to make money with video marketing a new approach is needed.

People have short attention spans at times and don’t really want to go to the trouble of reading long text sales pages. We would rather the person got to the point and bypassed a lot of unneeded fluff.

The Power of Video Marketing

If you use video marketing you will discover it has some advantages over the traditional marketing model you may have been used to. For example, video has the ability to engage the viewer in ways that standard text sales pages cannot do. This can depend on the kind of video that is created, but in general video hooks the person in better than text.

So can you make money on YouTube if you can engage with the viewer? Yes of course. A good video will brand you and get your message out there.

You won’t need to sign up for any kind of make money with video marketing course in order to get to grips with online video marketing. The better way is to have a go yourself or outsource it to someone who is able to handle video marketing.

So how can you make money on YouTube with video marketing? I would start off by taking that dry text sales page and converting it into video content.

You won’t need anything dazzling so forget about using special effects. You are not aiming to win an Oscar nomination here. Convey the main points and make the video to run to around two minutes.

You can also convert an article to video and generate more traffic for yourself. A spoken article with text on-screen does wonders for your business and is a novel way of marketing.

There is no need to appear on the video yourself if you do not want to. You could simply narrate the words and convey your sales message that way. By speaking about the features and benefits of your service or product you are on the right road to make money with video marketing.

You are giving the viewer a unique experience because not only are they getting visuals, but audio also. This resonates a lot better than long sales copy. These tips should help you to make money on YouTube quickly.

No longer will people have to read your endless text sales copy. Now you can engage them with visual and audio content. Video and audio takes the tedium out of reading a sales page and is a good way for you to make money with video.

Having a video that connects with the viewer will help to get you more subscribers. More subscribers and customers equal more potential sales for you. Without customers and sales you would need to question whether or not you have a business.

If you upload and host your video on YouTube it will not cost you anything. Compare this kind of marketing with banner or pop up ads. Video is twice as powerful and twice as effective.

If you would like a video that looks a little more professional in order to make money on the internet then there are various companies who can handle this.

Professional video companies can create dazzling video content, but ask yourself if you really need this? Personally I prefer to see raw, honest footage than some Hollywood spectacular full of special effects etc. What you really need is something simple that conveys the features of your product.

Can you make money on YouTube this way even though the videos don’t look as good as the professionals? Yes because people will see it as being more down to earth and it will resonate better with the average viewer.

What I tend to look for is whether or not the video engages me. I am not that bothered about perfect picture and sound quality, although that always helps.

By all means go for the big production video if you want, but you may find you get no sales and do not make money on YouTube this way.

I assume you are aiming to advertise your product, business or service. If this is true then video represents the perfect marketing opportunity for you. Ensure that you deliver a good presentation as this will play a huge part in whether your customers want to know more about you.

It is imperative that your website link is shown in the video, preferably at the end. This will help you to make money on YouTube and also help to get subscribers. Also have the link showing in your YouTube video description box.

Email video marketing

Any online business should really have a way to collect subscriber names and email addresses. This is normally done by something called an autoresponder. By having the customer details you can follow up with them with promotional offers or general information.

Imagine how you could combine this with video. You could send out an email that has the link to your video which could be a video sales page. You could demonstrate visually your product via the email link. Imagine the possibilities here for you to make sales this way.

If you are thinking of how to make money on YouTube then an autoresponder with video emails will be ideal for this. You could hire someone to set all this up or have a go at it yourself.


Video is used a lot today and offers many benefits for your business. If you were asking can you make money on YouTube before, I think now you will realise that you can.

Start today by investigating how to convert text sales pages and article to video content. If you don’t want to do it yourself then outsource or hire people who have the experience and can handle this for you.